I Give It a Year

I Give It a Year is a 2013 British comedy film, written and directed by Dan Mazer and starring Rose Byrne, Rafe Spall, Anna Faris and Simon Baker. The film was based and filmed in London and was released onFebruary 2013.

Ambitious highflyer Nat Rose Byrne and struggling writer Josh Rafe Spall fall in love at first sight at a party. Aftermonths together they decide to marry. The film highlights their struggles during their first year of marriage, switching back and forth from flashbacks of the years action to a marriageguidance counsellors office. Their wedding goes as planned despite many friends comments that the marriage will not last, an embarrassing best mans speech and a coughing priest.When Nat returns to work after the honeymoon, shes embarrassed when Josh calls her in the office on speakerphone in front of her colleagues to tell her she is sexy and that he misses her, causing her to hang up abruptly on him. Later, the two meet with their solicitor to discuss how to handle medical crises last wishes. Nat becomes annoyed when Josh, knowing she would be late, admitted that he deliberately told her the wrong time causing her to turn up early. ........

Source: Wikipedia